A table card displays tabular data on a report page. For example, a profit and loss statement. Presentation tables display up to 300 rows and up to 50 columns. 

To edit tables in a report, select Edit to open your page in designer mode.

Note: When you add a presentation table to a report, the number of columns is fixed at the time of creation and doesn't change.

To configure a table card:

  1. Select Configure on a new card, or hover over your card and select Edit .
    Read how to add a card to a report
  2. Select a View to use as the data source for your card on the Overview tab of the Card configuration panel, and select Update.
  3. Enter a Title and Description for the card. You can also link the card's title to a page from the Link to a page dropdown.
  4. On the Grid tab, you can configure Row height and Line item image settings, and insert Calculations.
  5. On the Format tab, you can apply Themes from the card template library, set Styles for presentation table elements, and Format line items.
  6. On the Context tab, you can enable context selection, set the Context color, and enable or disable Sync on selection for line items.
  7. Select the drag handle and drop your card where you want it to display.
  8. Select Save to save as a draft, or select Publish.

Note: Conditional formatting overrides any style you set in Card configuration.

To set the style of row and column headers:

  1. Select Styles on the Format tab.
  2. From the Style dropdown, select Headers and data
  3. You can expand Row headers or Column headers and:
    1. Select a Background color and Font color swatch, or enter a hex code.
    2. Select an Emphasis style.
    3. Set text Alignment.
    4. Toggle Show headers to the right to display headers.
  4. You can expand Data, and select a Row style of Solid or Striped, and: 
    1. If you selected Striped, select a Stripe color.
      When Stripe color is different from Background, odd data rows display with the stripe color. Even data rows display with the background color.
    2. Select a Background color and Font color swatch, or enter a hex code.
    3. Select an Emphasis style.
  5. Select Save to save as a draft, or select Publish.

To set the style of summaries:

  1. Select Line item summaries or Time summaries from the Style dropdown, and:
    1. Expand a style. For example, Normal text, Heading 1, Day, or Month.
    2. Select a Background color and Font color swatch, or enter a hex code.
    3. Select an Emphasis style.
  2. Select Save to save as a draft, or select Publish.

You can set the style of individual items to highlight or group them visually.

Note: Your most recent style and format changes override earlier changes.

To format an item: 

  1. Select Format on the Format tab.
  2. From the Dimensions dropdown, select Line Items (Row) or a dimension. 
  3. Select an item from the next dropdown.  
  4. You can select a Background or Font color, select an Emphasis style, or set Cell alignment.  
  5. From the dropdowns, you can select the: 
    1. Number format.
    2. Number scale.
    3. Decimal places.
    4. Decimal point.
    5. Thousand separator.
  6. Select Save to save as a draft, or select Publish.