Model builders can see any syntax errors in real time in their formula before applying it. This will help all builders be more efficient in their building by highlighting errors right away.

What are the benefits?

This new feature provides builders will real-time feedback on their formula building to ensure it has the correct syntax. This will help both new and experienced builders gain confidence in their formula-building. Builders will see highlights to the exact issue, making sure the formula has the correct syntax before submission.

Will I have to take any action?

No action is required to enable this feature. The functionality is available within the formula editor of the modeling experience. Model builders will see this feature the next time they are editing a line item formula.

What should I be aware of?

Dynamic syntax checking will be available to all model builders when working on line item formulas.

  • You’ll need to be a Workspace Administrator (WSA) 
  • You'll need to be editing within the module
  • You'll need to use the formula editor, not within the grid on blueprint
  • If there is a syntax issue, you'll not be able to apply your changes

This feature is the next step in creating a better formula-building experience to improve the experience for both new and experienced builders.